How to perform a test
Collect |
(1) Swab your mouth or the back of your throat. (2) Break off the swab into the tube. The tube already contains lyophilized UDG on the bottom. |
(3) Pick up lid A, containing the PBS + MgOAc mix. Close lid A to rupture the seal and introduce liquid into the tube. Invert a few times and let sit for 5 minutes. (4) Heat the tube in boiling water for 3 minutes and then let sit in room temperature water for 1 minute. |
Increase |
(5) Swap lid A with lid B, containing lyophilized RPA mix.Close lid B to rupture the seal and introduce liquid into the tube. Invert a few times. (6) Put the tube in your back pocket for 20 minutes. |
Detect |
(7) Add the tube to the readout device that handles dilution and contains a lateral flow strip. The height of the needle controls the volume of liquid released. |