
How to perform a test 


(1) Swab your mouth or the back of your throat.

(2) Break off the swab into the tube. The tube already contains lyophilized UDG on the bottom.


(3) Pick up lid A, containing the PBS + MgOAc mix. Close lid A to rupture the seal and introduce liquid into the tube. Invert a few times and let sit for 5 minutes.

(4) Heat the tube in boiling water for 3 minutes and then let sit in room temperature water for 1 minute.


(5) Swap lid A with lid B, containing lyophilized RPA mix.Close lid B to rupture the seal and introduce liquid into the tube.  Invert a few times.

(6) Put the tube in your back pocket for 20 minutes.

(7) Add the tube to the readout device that handles dilution and contains a lateral flow strip. The height of the needle controls the volume of liquid released.